Name & Foundation Position:
Cressie Kearns, I am a Foundation Board Member
Contribution to the Foundation:
As a community business owner, I get to meet a lot of community members from extremely diverse economic and social backgrounds—and amidst the pandemic, a great concern is for the opportunities of our children. Most people don’t know about Foundations like See Ya Later, and I want to be part of how we spread the word of our Mission Statement of how we Inspire Youth and Encourage Families. I want to use my point of Contact to help the board understand community need and help the committees that will lead the charge to new ideas and programs to help them.
Strengths You Add to the Board:
I am a Wife, Mother, and Science Lover. I hope to add critical thinking to new ideas that will help us maximize our efforts and stay on budget...and it’s very important someone keeps Caleb under control!
Most Important Aspect of the ‘See Ya Later’ Foundation:
Encouraging Families really speaks to me—I think all families, from all backgrounds, especially in 2021, need to know that they have the ability and resources to help their children thrive, improve their marriages, and gain confidence for a better tomorrow. As a parent I get encouragement when I see my children thrive, and I have seen SYL have that impact on kids, and in turn, their parents.
Why Did You Get Involved with the ‘See Ya Later’ Foundation?
I married into it! Being married to Caleb, I get to hear everything about the foundation, so it was time for me to answer the call and volunteer my efforts to SYL, because I believe in the direction the foundation is going.
Most Memorable ‘See Ya Later’ Moment:
Every Golf Tournament! I have gotten to play a half dozen times, and I miss the days when the Kearns boys would show up in their whacky team costumes! I always felt it was a great representation of Scottie’s spirit.
Where Do You See the Foundation In 5 Years?
In a continued state of Growth. The Board and Foundation seems to be getting younger—that is a great sign for the future! It would be amazing to see “Seeds of Hope” have representation in our entire state! Oregon needs all the help it can get.